Registration for Train and Play is closed. Information for tryouts and for the non-competitive program will be emailed shortly.
What try-out do you go to??? | |
Athlete born in | Try-out/Program |
2013-2015 (Grade 3-6) | Jr Strikers |
2012, 2011 (Grade 7 & 8) | Train & Play |
2012 | 13U |
2011 | 14U |
2010 | 15U |
2009 | 16U |
2008 | 17U |
2007 | 18U |
Note: Anyone born between September 1 and December 31 is eligible to play down.
If you want to play down, please attend at least one session of the year after your birth year and let the evaluators know.
i.e. If you are born September 20, 2009 you would be 16U but if you prefer to play 15U, please attend a 15U try-out.
Athletes born September 1 - December 31 of 2006 are eligible to play club volleyball on the 18U team.
You do not attend the try-out of an older age, unless you are invited by the committee. The exception to this is the WAVE try-outs. Although the teams this year will be 17/18U, younger athletes can try-out.
Don't let finances stop you from registering!
These are challenging times and financial support can make a difference. If you find yourself in a difficult financial position, please apply to the following programs, which will support your efforts to be involved.